Communicating what you want in bed is essential in achieving a gratifying sexual experience. However, expressing your wants and desires can be a tad bit difficult and awkward, especially since there is another person involved. If your partner is not as adventurous and open-minded as you are, chances are, it will be hard for you to get exactly what you want because you can’t freely express yourself sexually. In other cases, most men find it hard to accept criticisms about their performance and refuse to take suggestions in bed.
Now how can you communicate what you want in bed effectively without unintentionally hurting your partner’s ego and self-esteem? Here are some useful tips:
- Connect with the mind and the body will follow.
It’s not that hard to turn men on because they are always ready for sex. Women, however, can be quite a challenge. They need good foreplay and all the right buttons pushed. Stimulating the mind – especially for women, is the most effective form of foreplay. Getting her extremely turned on will also get her to be more open-minded to try new things that can bring your sexual experience to new heights.
If you’re planning to get freaky in bed when you get home tonight, try to stimulate her mind by texting her the things you wish you could do to her all day. If she’s responsive, this will yield positive results. You’ll get home to an aroused partner willing to experiment with you in bed.
- Choose the right wording and the right timing.
Choosing the right word can be as sexy as hell when said at the right moment. Sometimes, depending on the situation, dirty words can do the trick. But if your partner is a little sensitive to words that are too vulgar, it can instantly kill the mood, leaving the both of you sexually frustrated. The right tone is also very important. Some words are offensive and very demeaning enough to even say. Assess the mood and say the right words at the right time and in a very sexy way.
- Set limits and know when to stop pushing.
It’s good to push the limits and experiment in bed. You’ll learn what you like and what really works for you. Just be attentive enough to know when to stop pushing especially when your partner is not comfortable anymore. If you’re used to extreme lovemaking and your partner isn’t, it could be overwhelming and too much for them to handle. You can meet her/him halfway. Baby steps. You can always try again next time.
- Take advantage of after-sex cuddling and pillow talk.
Appreciate your partner for even agreeing to experiment with you. The more you appreciate someone for doing something, the more they would want to do more for you. Be honest without offending. Tell them what you’d like to try next time and how you want it done.
- Practice makes perfect.
Don’t be too quick to judge your partner’s bedroom skills, especially when he/she is still new to experimenting in bed. Gradually introduce her/him to other sexy ways you can do it and then keep practicing until he/she gets it right. Communicating what you want in bed is not that easy, but it’s not that hard, either.